Monday, October 12, 2009

First Post!

Hello world! This is my very first entry in the world of blogs, so please bear with me.

Probably the thing that I enjoy the most in life is telling, or listening, to a good story. No doubt that this is the reason why I have such a passion for watching movies. As the years have passed, I have grown to love several aspects of film more and more, and have tried to come to understand it- from the audience's perspective, as well as the auteur's.

I will be selecting movies that have somehow left an impression on me, and will discuss certain key ideas on why I think they are great, or where I would have liked to have seen something different. This will be, by no means, a "Best," or "Top Movies" list. There will be old movies, recent movies, classic movies, bad movies, movies of no particular genre, and also in no particular order. Most importantly, these will be movies that have a particular style I enjoy, and some that execute ideas very well.

I hope to point out certain aspects of these movies that you haven't seen or experienced and hopefully generate some new thoughts and ideas.

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